Supporting them
Because today's environmental and social issues concern us all, we support the RESAK and Diakité associations in their awareness-raising projects. Find out more about them and our partners here:
Under the impetus of the PRECIOUS PLASTIC movement, RESAK aims to provide a concrete recycling solution by offering a local and innovative approach to transforming plastic waste. The association is taking local action to combat the invasion of plastic waste in the Basque Country and the south of the Landes region by converting this waste into durable objects and materials. Resak also raises public awareness of the issues surrounding plastic waste, and of the recycling processes that can be used to transform the material.
We provide assistance to people in migratory situations. Bayonne has become a stopover on this journey. We meet their basic needs (hot meals, rest areas, clothes, showers) while they are in Bayonne. The outpouring of solidarity is incredible, but we still need to be there for them. So join us!
Joining forces!
We support them: because for years they have been working for a fairer, greener and more socially aware society. Because, above all, they are individuals who have chosen action rather than passivity. Because they need help and support if their movements are to grow even stronger.
You can find all the information you need on their websites or in our shop.
Without them, we wouldn't be where we are today. Thanks for the pedal power!
Initiative Landes and the CCI
Business creation and management support network in the Landes.
See moreChâteau Belle Epoque
Organise your events or your stay in an exceptional setting in Linxe, in the heart of the Landes region.
See moreAre you looking for a cycle or urban mobility professional? Go to Public transport.